Debra Kupfer
Senior Consultant, Behavioral Health Program
Debra Kupfer has more than 40 years of public behavioral health experience as both a clinician and an administrator, including 15 years with the WICHE Behavioral Health Program as a senior consultant.
Kupfer spent 25 years with the Colorado Department of Human Services, serving as the mental health commissioner; manager; director of policy and planning of hospital services for the Colorado Office/Division of Behavioral Health; and as clinical therapist and adult division deputy administrator for the Colorado Mental Health Institute at Fort Logan.
Currently, she is an executive board member for Rocky Mountain Crisis Partners in Colorado and serves on the executive committee of National Dialogues on Behavioral Health. Kupfer also served as a reviewer, monitor, and consultant for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Mental Health Block Grant for more than 15 years and as a national facilitator for Advocates for Human Potential’s Olmstead Community of Practice Initiative funded by SAMHSA.
Since 2007, Kupfer has worked with the U.S. Pacific Jurisdictions and the U.S. Virgin Islands on consulting projects, including:
- behavioral health system analyses and redesign
- crisis system development, strategic planning
- curriculum development, public policy, and planning efforts
- data reporting and quality management
- program evaluation
- rural workforce development
- crisis system planning, staffing studies, safety and security assessments, and
- developing opportunities to link behavioral health and primary care services in rural areas.
In recent years, Kupfer has served as the lead and/or supported several projects with the WICHE Behavioral Health Program, including:
- the Colorado Behavioral Health Needs Analysis – Current Status, Strategic Positioning and Future Planning
- Rural Veteran Suicide Prevention Project, in collaboration with the U.S. Veterans Administration
- Mercy Maricopa Integrated Care Evidence-based Practices Quality Improvement and Technical Assistance Initiative in Arizona
- Alaska Psychiatric Institute and Arizona State Hospital Technical Assistance
- Idaho Behavioral Health System Redesign
- Guam Transformation Transfer Initiative and Behavioral Health System Improvement Initiative, and
- the Alaska Complex Behavior Collaborative.
Additionally, Kupfer is a technical expert lead on the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (RCORP) – Technical Assistance Project. These efforts have involved providing technical assistance, facilitating stakeholder groups, developing data collection instruments, leading focus groups, conducting key informant interviews, reporting findings, and developing recommendations for the enhancement of behavioral health systems.