See our full collection of tools that can inform best practices at your institution, sortable by area of category of focus, at the Academic Leaders Toolkit website.
Academic Leaders Toolkit
Peer-reviewed resources to support your success
Perhaps your president has turned to you to ask, “Can you develop a program prioritization plan for our institution?” Or, “How quickly can we scale up a new plan for articulated pathways, or curriculum mapping?” Such initiatives can help an institution evolve with the students and communities it serves—yet they also can be time-consuming, stressful, or amorphous without good reference sources to rely upon.
The Academic Leaders Toolkit is a peer-reviewed repository of programs and practices that have been successfully deployed in postsecondary institutions around the West. Organized along dozens of topic categories—from quality assurance to workforce training, from student advising to community engagement—Toolkit resources help college and university academic leaders make prudent decisions, develop new initiatives, build upon efficiencies and peer expertise, and better support their students and institutions.
Developed jointly by the Western Academic Leadership Forum and the Western Alliance of Community College Academic Leaders—and administered by WICHE—the Academic Leaders Toolkit continues to grow thanks to regular new submissions from around the WICHE region and beyond. You can submit your own program to the toolkit, or search existing Toolkit assets to find a topic or program most relevant to you.