THE TIMES OF INDIA article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
CAPITAL GAZETTE article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
UNIVERSITY WORLD NEWS article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
OCDF NEWSROOM article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
HIGHER ED DIVE article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
THE DENVER GAZETTE article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
THE JOB article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
LUMINA FOUNDATION article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
THE NATIONAL NEWS DESK article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
This article, from Higher Ed Dive, references the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections. Original Source
EDUCATION WEEK article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
EDSOURCE article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
This article, from The Journal Gazette, references the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections. Original Source
This article, from The Chronicle of Higher Education, references the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections. Original Source
This article, from Inside Higher Ed, references the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections. Original Source
This article, from Brookings, references the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections. Original Source
COMMUNITY COLLEGE DAILY article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
FORBES article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
NBC NEW YORK article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
GLENSIDE LOCAL article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
UNIVERSITY BUSINESS article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
THE CAVALIER DAILY article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
EDTECH article referencing the research conducted by WICHE for the 11th edition of its Knocking on the College Door report on high school projections.
This article, from Health Sciences Newsroom, references Barbara Damron, who was recently appointed as WICHE Commission chair and is the first nurse to hold this position. Original Source
This article, from The Chronicle of Higher Education, references WICHE’s research on high school graduate projections. Original Source
This article, from the University Herald, references the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) program as a way to reduce tuition costs. Original Source
This article, from University of Hawai’i News, references the recent WICHE Commission meeting and reflects on the meeting highlights. Original Source
This commentary, from Missoula Current, references the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) program as a way to reduce college tuition costs. Original Source
This article, from Inside Higher Ed, references the article, “Understanding rural veterans: Toward a conceptual framework of service” authored by two staff members of WICHE’s Behavioral Health Program Veteran Initiatives.
This article, from Webster State’s The Sign Post, mentions the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) as a way to save on tuition.
This article from Webster State’s, The Sign Post, references the Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP) as a way to save on tuition. Original Source
This podcast episode, from Distance Educated, features Russ Poulin, who talks about his career with WCET and the challenges and accomplishments of distance learning. Original Source
This article, from The Gila Herald, references Todd Haynie being appointed to the WICHE Commission. Original Source
This article, from the Powell Tribune, references the Western Undergraduate Exchange program (WUE) as a way to save money on tuition. Original Source
This article, from Patch, references the WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies (WCET) and the State Authorization Network (SAN) and the winners of the SANsational award. Original Source
This article, from Crain’s Cleveland Business, references WICHE’s research on high school graduation rates. Original Source
This article, from Brookings, references WICHE’s research on high school graduation rates. Original Source
This article, from Big Country News, references WICHE’s Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) program as a way to save money on tuition. Original Source
This article, from The Gazette, references WICHE’s research on high school graduation rates. Original Source
This article, from Missoula Current, references WICHE’s research on high school graduation rates. Original Source
This article, from Gillette News Record, references the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) program as an option for reduced tuition in Wyoming. Original Source
Patrick Lane, Vice President of Policy Analysis and Research, is featured in this article by the Cincinnati Enquirer regarding college enrollment. Original Source
This article, from 12 News, cites WICHE’s Tuition and Fees, Appropriations, and Financial Aid in the West, AY 2023-24: Trends and Implications publication. Original Source
This article, from The Inyo Register, cites the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) program as an option for lower tuition rates for locals within Inyo County in California. Original Source
This article, from EdSurge, cites Executive Director, WCET and Vice President for Technology-Enhanced Education, Russ Poulin, in discussions about Axim Collaborative’s slow-moving progress. Original Source
This article, from Inside Higher Ed, cites Every Learner Everywhere’s recent report of 12 case studies in which instructors implemented technology to benefit student success, particularly for historically disadvantaged students. Original Source
This article, from the South Carolina Daily Gazette, on South Carolina’s college enrollment remaining relatively stable, cites WICHE’s research on the declining number of high school graduates. Original Source
This commentary, by Community College Daily, references Every Learner Everywhere as a prominent place to learn about and understand open educational resources and online courseware. Original Source
This article, by Diverse Education, references a new resource, “The Impact of Digital Learning on Minoritized and Poverty-Affected College Students: 12 Instructors’ Stories” from Every Learner Everywhere. Original Source
This article, by KYMA, references the opening of the new Together with Veterans Rural Veteran Suicide Prevention Program Parker Resource Center in Parker, Arizona. Original Source
This article, from BNN Bloomberg, on colleges and universities facing a massive infrastructure funding gap of $750 billion to $950 billion, cites WICHE’s research on the declining number of high school graduates. Original Source
Patrick Lane, Vice President, Policy Analysis and Research, is featured in this article by the Associated Press regarding program cuts at U.S. colleges. Original Source
Peace Bransberger, Director, Programs and Evidence, Policy Analysis and Research, and Programs and Services, is featured in this article by the San Francisco Chronicle about the increasing challenges of gaining acceptance into top colleges. Original source- behind a pay...
Patrick Lane, Vice President, Policy Analysis and Research, is featured in this article by Axios regarding a peak and decline in high school graduates. Original source
Dr. Ray Black, an associate professor of Race, Gender, and Ethnic Studies, will represent CSU in the WICHE Academy for Leaders in the Humanities, funded by the Mellon Foundation, as the WICHE Fellow for 2024-2026.
Graduates of the University of Wyoming pursuing healthcare careers saved on tuition through the Professional Student Exchange Program (PSEP). Original source
This article on college enrollment challenges cites WICHE’s Knocking at the College Door projections of high school graduates through 2037. Original source
Lehman College (New York) was named a Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) Equity Rising Star by WICHE and the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL). Original source
Listen to this Tea for Teaching podcast, as report author Peace Bransberger, discusses the implications of the K-12 pandemic learning impacts for postsecondary institutions and faculty.
University Business cited WICHE and CAEL’s research on Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) as a potential tool for completing college credentials. Original source
WICHE’s data is cited in this article from Brookings on the FAFSA rollout’s impact on college enrollment for the high school class of 2024. Original source
ABC7 Los Angeles featured the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) as an opportunity for students to save on out-of-state tuition in the West. Original source
Vice Speaker Tina Muña Barnes introduced a proposal to help Guam residents, beginning in the upcoming academic semester, attend medical school at a more affordable tuition rate through WICHE’s Professional Student Exchange Program (PSEP). Original source
The U.S. Department of the Interior approved a grant to support WICHE membership dues for the U.S. Pacific Territories and Freely Associated States, including Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia,...
WICHE and AACRAO’s research conducted for the No Holding Back project is cited in this article from The Chronicle of Higher Education. Original source
The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) held a presentation on administrative holds, featuring WICHE’s No Holding Back project. Original source
This article from Higher Ed Dive references WICHE’s Navigating Learning Loss and Changing Demographics in Education report, which focuses on the effect of pandemic-related K-12 learning loss on projections of high school graduates. Original source
The Nevada Independent cites WICHE’s 2020 Knocking at the College Door report in this article on the state’s enrollment challenges. Original source
This article from the American Psychological Association cites WICHE’s 2020 Knocking at the College Door data. Original source
K-12 Dive reports on WICHE’s Navigating Learning Loss and Changing Demographics in Education policy brief.
This article from University Business covers WICHE’s Navigating Learning Loss and Changing Demographics in Education report. Original source
Higher Ed Dive reports on WICHE’s Navigating Learning Loss and Changing Demographics in Education policy brief. Original source
WICHE’s Knocking at the College Door report data is mentioned in this article about community college enrollment in Iowa. Original source
WICHE’s Knocking at the College Door report data is mentioned in this article about college enrollment in Mississippi. Original source
This story features the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) as an option to reduce college costs for students in Nevada and other Western states. Original source
Changing America discusses college enrollment declines and references WICHE’s Knocking at the College Door report data. Original source
Russell Poulin, vice president for technology-enhanced education at the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, speaks to Inside Higher Education about the challenges faced by community colleges as the demand for online programs, reliable WiFi, and campus technology grows....
WCET’s Cheryl Dowd, senior director, State Authorization Network and WCET Policy Innovations; Russ Poulin, executive director, WCET, and vice president for technology-enhanced education, WICHE; and Van Davis, chief strategy officer, WCET and service design and strategy officer, Every Learner...