Policy Insights | Tuition and Fees in the West 2016-17: Trends and Implications


This issue of Policy Insights reviews the results of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education’s annual survey of tuition and fees at public colleges and universities in the WICHE region and discusses related policy implications. (Data from the survey were published in November 2016.)

Overall, tuition and fees in the WICHE region increased relatively little in 2016-17, slightly less than the national average rate of change – and even decreased in the state of Washington. State appropriations to higher education in the West have generally stabilized in the past several years, although support for higher education in several WICHE states was impacted by the fall in energy prices. But even with the relatively modest increase in tuition and fees, families and students continue to struggle with the rising costs of a college education and affordability remains a key issue for states and individuals.


  • Year Published : 2017
  • Month Published : May
  • Media Type : pdf
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