Tuition and Fees in Public Higher Education in the West, 2015-16: Detailed Data Tables


This report is the latest update of WICHE’s annual report on tuition and mandatory fees at public institutions in WICHE’s 15-state region, including an institution-by-institution historical review of tuition changes from year to year, as well as those from one, five, and ten years ago. Beginning with 2010-11 and continuing this year, this report presents published tuition and fees amounts as averages both unweighted and weighted by full-time equivalent enrollments. Unlike unweighted averages, which treat each institution equally no matter how big or small it is, enrollment-weighted averages provide a truer estimate of the published price a typical student faces based on enrollment patterns. Appendix E provides more information regarding enrollment weighting.


  • Year Published : 2012
  • Month Published : November
  • Media Type : pdf
  • Print Publication Number : 2A346I
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