Tuition and Fees in Public Higher Education in the West, 2014-15: Detailed Data Tables


This annual report updates the tuition and fee prices published by all of the public higher education institutions in the WICHE member states. It is the product of an annual survey administered to the State Higher Education Executive Officers (SHEEO) offices in each state, except for states such as Arizona, Idaho and South Dakota, where the data for the two-year colleges and technical institutes were provided by individual institutions. A copy of the survey instructions can be found among the appendices. The State Notes section summarizes additional interpretative information provided for selected states and institutions.

This report presents published tuition and fees amounts as averages both unweighted and weighted by full-time equivalent enrollments. Unlike unweighted averages, which treat each institution equally no matter how big or small it is, enrollment-weighted averages provide a truer estimate of the published price a typical student faces based on enrollment patterns. Appendix E provides more information regarding enrollment weighting.


  • Year Published : 2014
  • Month Published : November
  • Media Type : pdf
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