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How Will Higher Education and the Purpose of Community Colleges Change in the Next Decade?
2022 Webinars
Grant Opportunity from the Office on Violence Against Women
November 16, 2022 1:00 – 2:00 P.M. MTN
We are joined by María Cristina Pacheco Alcalá Grant Management Specialist from the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice to discuss two grant opportunities opening in late November. Both grants aim to provide resources to reduce domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking on campus. This webinar will share the work that has come out of this grant as well as recommendations and guidelines for any institutions interested in applying for these grants.
Please invite anyone you think would be interested in this grant opportunity.
Developing Culturally Relevant OER with CC ECHO
August 16, 2022 02:00 PM MTN
The California Consortium for Equitable Change in Hispanic-Serving Institutions Open Educational Resources (CC ECHO) has implemented a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) framework for Open Educational Resources. CC ECHO is an initiative, funded by the U.S. Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Program, by which four California community colleges promote textbook affordability, student success, and diversity, equity, and inclusion to benefit all students. The program provides professional development for integrating DEI in OER and curriculum to create culturally relevant OER through a peer-reviewed process for twenty high-enrolled courses that have limited or no OER available.
We are thrilled to welcome a student moderator, Paul Medina, the Region Vii Regional Affairs Director for the Student Senate for the California Community Colleges. Paul also serves as the co-chair for our Distance Education committee and is a phenomenal student leader. Our panelists are Marty Alvarado, Executive Vice Chancellor, California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office and executive committee member of the Alliance, as well as two representatives from West Hills Community College District, Kelsey Smith, OER Librarian, and Ron Oxford, Librarian. Join your colleagues to hear more about one group is doing to advance equity and OER offerings in their state. There will be ample time to share the approach your state, system, and/or institutions are taking and to brainstorm new ideas with your peers.
WCET, WICHE Forum, + WICHE Alliance Fireside Chat: Educational Innovations that have Transcended the Pandemic
July 12, 2022 01:00 PM MTN
Goldie Blumenstyk, a senior writer with the Chronicle of Higher Education, will lead a fireside chat with members of WCET and WICHE’s Forum and Alliance members in July. Goldie will give a brief presentation on recent innovations in higher education that have lasted through the pandemic and discuss what these means for:
- Broader changes across colleges and universities.
- Technology adoption and support.
- Student expectations.
- Faculty and staff expectations and their evolving roles.
Following the overview, small groups will explore trends and innovations at their institutions and why they have stuck.
Innovations and Challenges: Colorado and Beyond
Jun 16, 2022
11:00 a.m. MTN
In partnership with WCET and the Western Academic Leadership Forum
Community colleges across the nation are experiencing similar challenges: decreased enrollments, state funding challenges, and streamlining pathways for degree attainment and transfer. In this upcoming webinar, presidents from several community colleges in Colorado will share how they are responding to these challenges and promising practices the state is using to provide credit and remove barriers for its students.
Student Perspectives: Why Community College Was a Good Choice
March 24, 2022
12:00 p.m. MTN
Students from the WICHE region will share their reasons for attending community colleges, how community college has helped them and their communities, and why community colleges are important to the future of higher education.
Moderator: Landon Pirius, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Colorado Community College System
Panelists: Gerardo Chavez, student, Riverside City College; Kat Marty, student, Northeast Junior College; Hsa Kapru Say, student, Lake Area Technical College
Institutional Course-Sharing: How Three States are Increasing Student Degree Completion
January 19, 2022
1:00 p.m. MTN
The pandemic has amplified the need for institutions to work together to increase student success and degree completion. Join us to hear from officers at California Virtual Campus, Idaho State Board of Education, and Montana University System regarding their state institutional course-sharing efforts to increase access, improve retention, and aid students to complete their degrees on time.
Moderator: Brock Tessman, Deputy Commissioner, Academic & Student Affairs, Montana University System
Panelists: Jay Field, Senior Vice President for Institutional Partnerships, Quottly; Jory Hadsell, Executive Director, California Virtual Campus; Jonathan Lashley, Associate Chief Academic Officer, Idaho State Board of Education; Joe Thiel, Director of Academic Policy and Research, Montana University System